During phone calls and face-to-face meetings, the WCAG Working Group runs an IRC chat window (“channel: #wai-wcag
; server: irc.w3.org
; port: 6665
”). I saved all the chats I participated in and am publishing them here. I am doing so because the officially-published transcripts tend to edit out all the chitchat.
- They’re plain text only.
- I edited out all commands to and responses from the automated systems.
- Many people’s lines run together.
- High-order characters were reduced to US-ASCII. Lines were wrapped to 72 characters.
- There was no editing for content. The files are, nonetheless, somewhat messy and are not the most interesting reading in the world.
- 2003
- 2003-08-20
- 09-03
- 09-08
- 09-09
- 09-17
- 2004
- 2004-04-22
- 2005
- 2005-02-28
- 02-28
- 03-01
- 03-01
- 04-07
- 04-14
- 04-28
- 05-05
- 05-12
- 05-19
- 06-02
- 06-13
- 06-23
- 06-30
- 07-07
- 07-14
- 07-21
- 10-17
- 10-18
You are here: joeclark.org → Captioning and media access →
Web accessibility → WCAG → IRC log transcripts from WCAG Working Group
Updated 2006.05.31