DavidircDavid has joined wai-wcag rscanoircrscano has joined wai-wcag rscanoHi guys relleroHi ChrisRircChrisR has joined wai-wcag RRSAgentircRRSAgent has joined wai-wcag RRSAgentlogging to http://www.w3.org/2005/07/07-wai-wcag-irc Michaelrrsagent, make log world RRSAgentI have made the request, Michael YvetteircYvette has joined wai-wcag * Yvette waves to all BeckyircBecky has joined wai-wcag * ChrisR IPcaller is Chris R bengtircbengt has joined wai-wcag sebastianoircsebastiano has joined wai-wcag ben_mapping document: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/2005/06/30-sc-techniques-mapping.html AndiircAndi has joined wai-wcag rscanook :) ben_agenda? ben_agenda+ TTF Update ben_agenda+ Harvest techniques and/or tests beginning with Guideline 2.1 ben_scribe: ben_scribe: benchair: Michael_Coopermc: Wednesday calls to focus more on testing in coming weeks, would like to spend more time on Thursday calls on techniques as well as we go forward.scripting tests are a current priority/concernRRSAgent, generate minutes RRSAgentI have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/07/07-wai-wcag-minutes.html ben_ Michaelack alex ben_Topic: WCAG Weekly Telecon ChrisRq+ ben_discussing: is it possible to be comprehensive with script techniques testing?Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005JulSep/0005.html * Christophe David's message is at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2005JulSep/0015.html ben_sc to techniques mapping: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/2005/06/30-sc-techniques-mapping.html2.1 L1 SC1topic: 2.1 L1 SC1bg: onclick as mechanism to get focusbg: can talk about tabindex, though UA issues rscanowith this issue, an event with onkeypress without onclick is valid, but an event with onclick without onkeypress is not valid... so no device independence... ben_bg: anchors on image buttonstopic: 2.1 L3 SC1mc: technique saying you can't use server-side image mapsbg: use of <map> to allow keyboard navigation * Andi ben, did we really want to say you can't use ss image maps or just have a technique on providing equivalent links? rscanowhat about GIS web applications? ben_s/saying you can't use server-side image maps/recommending redundant links for server-side image mapsyh: keyboard access to controls used in mapping programstopic 2.2 L1 SC1topic: 2.2 L1 SC1yh: general technique to show time remainingyh: server-side tech to remember settings related to timeoutsbg: creating a time out with a way to turn it offbg: creating a way to extend or modify time w/ script