Joe Clark


First of all, I quit.

Next: The following research projects and other works remain available.


The Holy Agony archives and samizdat RSS feed; Ordinariate and Byzantine resources; inter alia

Conservatives cannot design

Links and articles


The Holy Agony (as above)
Podcasting in general
Podcasting Had a Good Run (archives):
Tracking culture & grift in the demimonde of podcasting
Canonical test files


Gay money: The truth about lesbian & gay economics
I read all the literature on gay and lesbian incomes and earnings and condensed the findings here. (No, gay males are not richer than straight people)
Vegan Lifter Project

Other projects

Borked Unicode
Tips for journalists on writing clean copy
Back injury; powerlifting
Right-wing assholes in Canada
Accessibility research
Mark Leduc Archive
Accurately reporting the life, and the cause of death, of the one-of-a-kind strawberry-blond gay Olympic silver medallist
Eldergay Suicides
Tracking suicides by older gay men, because nobody else is
Transgender lies about Stonewall
Derived from an original blog post, now duplicated on one of the two mediums where transgender activists intentionally lie about gay and lesbian history, namely Tumblr
Pride Toronto
Everything about my dealings with Pride Toronto and its Dispute Resolution Process
Also: Black Lives Matter vs. Pride Toronto


Not listed. A few projects have simply been effaced. Indeed, in due course all of these will be.

Updated 2025.02.04

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