Joe Clark: Accessibility ¶ Design ¶ Writing

Documents concerning Pride Toronto and its Dispute Resolution Process

Here is an easy launchpad for my documents about Pride Toronto.

Dispute Resolution

I filed several complaints under the Pride Toronto Dispute Resolution Process. The newest complaint (August 2016) was against Black Lives Matter Toronto.

Are you new to the Dispute Resolution Process?

You may not know much about it, or about how it came into existence (via the Community Advisory Panel, 2011). In that case, read these first.

Archive of documents

I’m maintaining an archive of documents about Black Lives Matter Toronto vs. Pride Toronto – so everyone can easily put their hands on this fleeting online information later on.

Blog posts

I’ve written about Pride Toronto a few times on my personal Weblog. In particular, I think the Trans March and Dyke March represent separatism and should not exist as Pride-sponsored marches. (One obvious option is for Pride to offer funding to organizers of those marches for, say, three years, on the condition that they form their own nonprofit companies and run their own shows forever. Then the traditional Pride parade can revert to what it always was and is supposed to be, a Pride parade.)

Pride Toronto bylaws

If you ask Pride Toronto for a copy of its bylaws, nobody will give them to you. Here they are.

Need a short URL?

The address will lead you to this page.

Posted: 2016.08.11 ¶ Updated: 2016.10.02

Homepage: Joe Clark Homepage: Joe Clark Media access (captioning, Web accessibility, etc.) Graphic and industrial design Journalism, articles, book