News: CBC captioning errors and omissions
Don’t forget the postings about CBC captioning at my personal Weblog.
- What do the CBC captioning manuals say? I have them and now I can tell you. (2008.04.11)
- The Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage finally produced its report on the CBC. Typographically and orthographically, it’s a disaster, since it’s “typeset” in Arial (really just printed out in Microsoft Word) and uses across-the-board British spellings. The committee essentially ignored my evidence and decided that the only problem is real-time captioning in French. (2008.03.16)
- Guest blog at Teamakers (2008.02.16)
- You can read my written submission to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, Toronto, concerning CBC accessibility, and now also my remarks at a hearing held in Toronto) (2007.04.20, 2007.05.09)
These pages are now better organized, though they still look the same. Added Q&A slideshow, albeit “quietly.”
Turned this into a kind of second homepage and added a quick-reference page as the default. (2006.07.13)
Now I’m updating my list of CBC captioning errors and omissions at least once a month – and you can subscribe via RSS. (2006.07.04)
- And by the way, if you thought I was done publishing evidence or filing complaints, you’re going to be terribly surprised by summer’s end
- My response to CBC’s recent letters is available online (2006.05.05)
Updated: 2008.04.11 13:44