Gary Webster’s statements about TTC signage, June 2007

I made a presentation (“deputation”) to the TTC at its meeting on 2007.06.14. Among other things, I said that the current TTC sign standard was a copy of New York’s, but the kind of copy you’d get if you saw a photo of the New York system on TV once. TTC Commissioner Bill Saundercook asked me about Massimo Vignelli’s sign system for New York and how well TTC signage assisted with “flow” through the system.

Saundercook asked Acting General Manger Gary Webster a few questions.

Chair Giambrone called for a report by the end of the year on replacement of temporary signs (meaning handwritten signs). Amendment: A report on good examples from other cities, exactly what I had suggested six months previous. The motion passed. I suppose this means that TTC will simply E-mail its friends around the world and ask transit systems to self-report on how good their signs are, and to send in very carefully chosen photographs.