Joe Clark: Media access

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DVDs with audio description → Listings

Updated 2005.12.11

DVDs with audio description

Getting out of the listings business

After a few too many testy E-mails from the RNIB and the particularly presumptuous Carol McGregor of the so-called International Audio Description Agency, I’ve given up the thankless and Sisyphean task of maintaining the list of DVDs with audio description.

Listings were previously moved to Wikipedia, where a vote was held and they were deleted. I do not maintain current listings of DVDs with audio description, and neither does anyone else, to my knowledge

For historical completeness, here are the old, outdated lists:

Other listings

  1. WGBH (also home-video catalogue)
  2. Association Valentin Haüy
  3. Deutsche Höhrfilm
  4. RNIB: Described DVDs; home-video catalogue