The Cranky Copyright Book

How to contribute to
Joe Clark’s upcoming book on copyright for creators

Pitch in a few bucks
or show moral support

Why donate?

I’m not an academic, possibly with tenure, as Larry Lessig and Michael Geist are. I’m not a contributor to a multi-million-dollar blog. I’m independent, and independence costs. However, there are free-of-charge options that are just as valid and equally appreciated.

Donate using PayPal

You can donate via PayPal. (Or, if you need some other method, just let me know.)

How much?

When you’re done, you can post any of our banner ads on your site.

What do you get if you contribute?

  1. First read of beta chapters: Contributors have the exclusive privilege of reading “drafts” of book chapters. You get ’em first. (There’s a limitation that enforces a tragedy-of-the-commons scenario: The first time I discover the chapters duplicated [“pirated”] in a way that exceeds any known copyright law, issuance of beta chapters ends.)
  2. Acknowledgement in finished book (all formats and versions). If you wish to remain anonymous, of course you may.
  3. Free E-book (in your choice of reasonable format; no batshit-crazy requests, please). All my books are available in electronic formats. (In fact, The Cranky Copyright Book is another form of electronic publishing – I’ve been trying different models since 2002.)

And... thanks!

Free-of-charge options

To repeat: Any kind of support is appreciated, and there’s no pressure to pitch in cash if you don’t want to. I really do consider these and other free methods of showing support to be just as valid as any other.

  1. Just write something nice on your blog (or, if you insist, on Twitter).
  2. Post a banner ad.

And... thanks! again!