Updates (on this page)
Stieg Larsson, a real journalist who knew neo-Nazis and other right-wing assholes in Sweden personally.
Daryl K. Davis, a black man who has befriended Klansmen for decades.
Documentary about Davis: Accidental Courtesy (sometimes on Netflix)
NEWSREEL NARRATOR: Roger Meyers Sr., the gentle genius behind Itchy and Scratchy, loved and cared about almost all the peoples of the world. And he, in return, was beloved by the world – except in 1938, when he was criticized for his controversial cartoon Nazi Supermen Are Our Superiors.
I read about a research paper purporting to document the current reality of right-wing extremists in Canada. After a bit of a battle, its lead author, Barbara Perry, deigned to give me a copy of it, which I read and critiqued. (2017.02.16)
First, look at my blog posts about right-wing assholes. (Includes announcement of this project.)
Not Evan Balgord’s journalist’s guide to reporting on the anti-Islam/anti-Muslim movement in Canada: Left-wing journalist Evan Balgord threatened to write such a guide, so I wrote it for him. (2017.07.13)
I wrote a letter to the Toronto Police Public Safety Unit requesting that they require antifa (and anyone else in the following category) who attend protests with their faces covered to remove such coverings – or leave. (The first journalist who reads this paragraph and writes in to request a copy of my letter gets one.) (2017.04.25)
Mike Montague of Soldiers of Odin, in an exchange that I assured him was otherwise not for publication, barred me outright from interviewing or questioning Soldiers of Odin members. He further explained that members have an ironclad ban against talking to the press.
This will not remotely stop me from chatting up Soldiers of Odin as individuals and under any agreed-upon circumstances. But I note an inconsistency in that the Serbian anti‑SJW/anti‑antifa video blogger in Vancouver who calls himself Squatting Slav was allowed to not just interview and question Soldiers of Odin there but do a walkabout with them. (Neither Montague nor the Slav answered questions.) (2017.04.27)
Updated: 2017.07.27 11:28