January 17, 2006
Subject: Test Results of New Recycling/Litter Bins
Action taken by the Committee
The Works Committee
- referred back the report of the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to allow for the gathering of additional quantitative data on the recycling performance of the test bins, and to allow for consideration of the results of the Eucan test simultaneously with the report expected on a Harmonized Street Furniture approach, scheduled to be submitted to the May 3, 2006, meeting of the Works Committee; and further that the report be forwarded to the City Manager’s Office for input prior to submission to the Works Committee and also with respect to Council’s direction of July 20, 21 and 22, 2004; and
- requested the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, when reporting back to the May 3, 2006 meeting of the Works Committee, to amend the staff recommendations contained in his January 3, 2006, report to provide for the revised dates for the proposed Community Council consultation and date for report back to the Works Committee on the outcome of such consultation.
The Works Committee on January 11, 12 and 16, 2006, considered a report (January 3, 2006) from the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services advising of the results of the test of the proposed new Eucan recycling/litter bins.
It is recommended that:
- this report be received for information and forwarded to the Community Councils for hearing of deputations at their meeting on February 7, 2006, and that the Community Councils report back to the March 7, 2006 Works Committee meeting with their recommendations; and
- staff consolidate the responses of the Community Councils, provide an update on the status of the street harmonization Request for Proposals process and put forward a position on whether to accept Eucan’s proposal, in a report to the March 7, 2006 meeting of the Works Committee.
The Works Committee also considered communications from the following:
- (December 30, 2005) from Andrew Arnold, addressed to Councillor Paula Fletcher; and
- (January 10, 2005) from James L. Robinson, Executive Director, Downtown Yonge BIA.
The following persons addressed the Works Committee:
- Alison Gorbould;
- Jonathon Goldsbie, Toronto Public Space Committee;
- Michael Rosenberg;
- Rolando Garcia, CEO, Eucan Urban Equipment of Canada Inc.;
- Dave Meslin;
- Councillor Janet Davis, Ward 31, Beaches-East York;
- Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong, Ward 34, Don Valley East; and
- Councillor Michael Walker, Ward 22, St. Paul’s.
City Clerk
R. Dyers/tl
Item 25
Sent to:
- General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services
- City Manager
- All Interested Parties
- Deputy City Manager Fareed Amin
- Council Administrator, Toronto and East York Community Council
- Council Administrator, Scarborough Community Council
- Council Administrator, Etobicoke and York Community Council
- Council Administrator, North York Community Council