“Reasonably well-known”

Just a quickie puffing of hirsute, resolutely untattooed and unpierced chests here as we point out the PDF report “Introduction to Web Usability and Related Resources” by Peter Cooper, which attempts to list luminaries in Web usability. It is stated:

One of the only reasonably-well-known names not to have ever been employed by the Nielsen Norman Group, [a certain contenunian] is a content specialist. While he’s not regarded as an expert in Web usability per se, his vast experience of content and how it affects usability allows him to be placed within this list.

Just as hordes of delirious Japanese schoolgirls swarm Alan Greenspan’s tour bus, we are hounded by slavering masses of paparazzi-like fans. When we sashay down the street of a busy workday, we endure dude after dude – and, much to our (and their) ultimate regret, babe after babe – variously high-fiving us, honking car horns (on embarrassing occasion, 18-wheeler and city-bus horns), flashing resolutely tattooed and/or pierced chests, and generally giving us mad props.

Fame has its price.

Posted on 2001-10-15