Snatchmailed news

Did you know you can E-mail news articles from Yahoo?

We didn’t, either. (But we’ve been E-mailingarticles to ourselves for the better part of a decade. You know hownews articles expire after a while? You have a few choices: Save astext, save as HTML, or mail them to yourself using Lynx.There’s no excuse to lose things. The last option is,however, the easiest, producing a well-formatted plain-text variantcomplete with hyperlinks. Storing news articles in your E-mailmakes them easy to find. But we digress.)

Apparently,snatchmailing news articles is so hot! hot! hot!that Yahoo lists the Most-Emailed Content (orthography sic).

Fun, huh? Sometimes it’s good to be reminded that onlinecontent and Web content are not the same thing. Remember, if theWeb died tomorrow, most of us would stay online. E-mail is thelifeline; Web sites are not.

Posted on 2001-01-12