You are here: > Mailing lists > Media-Access Updated 2001.08.07 See also: Anti-censorship policy Media-access mailing listWhat’s it all about?You can now subscribe to an Internet mailing list dedicated to closed-captioning; audio description; subtitling and dubbing; Web, CD-ROM, and multimedia access; and other topics related to making media of information accessible to people with disabilities and others. The Media Access list will entertain all manner of discussion related to those topics, including:
In short, anything you want to talk about on any topic related to making media accessible to people with disabilities, and others, is OK. Of course, you don’t have to be blind, visually-impaired, low-vision, deaf, or hard-of-hearing to participate. The mailing list is unmoderated; no one will censor what you say, though everyone has the right of reply. The list does not concern itself with adaptive technology per se; this is not the place to ask how to tweak your OutSpoken settings to get it to work. We would, however, welcome questions or comments on designing information (like Web sites) to work with screen readers like OutSpoken. The list is not concerned with general disability news, either, or with TDDs and relay services. Change in focus and other listsIn August 2001, it became apparent that the list had evolved into a kind of industry focus, with a lot of postings by people actually working in the accessibility fields.
Subscription and posting instructionsTo subscribe, send a message containing the words subscribe access Firstname Lastname in the body of a message to Fill in your own real Firstname and Lastname. You could also try selecting this link, which for most browsers will start a new message for you with most of the information filled in. To unsubscribe, send a message containing the words signoff access Firstname Lastname in the body of a message to (or try this link). Fill in your own real Firstname and Lastname. There’s another way: Try sending mail to To send a message to the list so that everyone can read it, mail your message once only to Note that the addresses for posting to the list and for subscribing and unsubscribing are different. If you want to receive Media Access as a digest (all the day’s messages assembled into one big message), subscribe first, then send the command set access digest to (or try this link). |