Joe Clark: Accessibility | Design | Writing

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Ontario government AODA information and communications standard

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is a rather weak piece of legislation that gives businesses and other organizations in Ontario until the year 2025 to become accessible to people with disabilities. One of the tasks of the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario is the creation of a standard for information and communications.

I have certain comments available.

Where’s the Ontario Information and Communications Accessibility standard?

In November 2009, I asked the Ministry of Community and Social Services the following:

I am under the impression that the standard for information and communications, while ostensibly "final" and sent to the Ministry for "consideration," is actually completely stalled and nothing is happening on it. Also, either the committee was disbanded or its term ended, but in any event there is no committee in place to work on the standard if it needs that.

Even if these aren't the exact terms you would use, do I have that more or less correct?

I did. Their response:

Following public review, the Committee revised the standard and submitted their Final Proposed Information and Communications Standard to the Minister of Community and Social Services on May 29, 2009. This fulfilled the mandate of the Committee....

The Information and Communications Standard is not law and decisions have not yet been made with respect to the Committee’s proposal. Upon receipt of the final proposed standard, the Minister may adopt the recommendations into regulation in whole, in part or with modifications, including timelines for compliance. [...]

[Signed] Brenda Lewis
Director, Standards Policy and Coordination Branch
Accessibility Directorate of Ontario

Posted: 2007.11.26 ¶ Updated: 2008.09.12, 2009.02.06, 2009.05.01, 2010.01.08, 2011.03.16

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