However, in 1996 I was evicted from the Internet service provider which ran the Smithereens list, thus killing it. Since then, it is known that Pat DiNizio has gotten online (God knows where-- extensive searches don't find him), and at least one former Smithereens listmember seems to be acting as de facto online manager for Pat, channeling his public statements through his own Web site and tightly controlling access.
I do not suggest malfeasance, merely egotism. This, honey, is contrary to the spirit of the net, where everyone is equal and information is widely available. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm posting anarchive of the entire Smithereens mailing list (StuffIt version; zip version). Read it and weep.
Don't forget that the Smithereens FAQ is still posted, though I doubt it'll ever be updated.
And Pat, if you're reading this, drop me a line, OK? I promise not to kiss you on the cheek, or on the lips, or wherever.